All posts by Christophe Donnersbach

Questionnaire about reading activity


Explanations about the procedure

At the beginning of the project, a working group with at least one member of each partner school developed a questionnaire about the reading habits of the pupils. The idea was to examine the reading habits of the pupils before all the reading and writing activities that were organized during the Comenius project and to find out to which extend these habits had been changed thanks to the project. Continue reading Questionnaire about reading activity

Exhibition of the traveling suitcase in the Albert Wingert School (20-23.3.2015)

Während dem Comenius Meeting a Lëtzebuerg am Mäerz 2015, huet all Land seng Produktiounen, Filmer, Comics, Zeechnungen a Gebastels vun de Bicher aus dem “Traveling suitcase” ausgestallt. No enger Ried vun der Comenius-Equipe an dem Buergermeeschter vu Schëffleng, mat uschléissendem Eirepatt mat Gemengevertrieder, Elteren an Enseignanten, ass d’Ausstellung offiziell opgaangen. Continue reading Exhibition of the traveling suitcase in the Albert Wingert School (20-23.3.2015)

Fairy Tale Day in Schifflingen – Visit of german pupils

On 18th May, 33 pupils (2nd grade) and 2 teacher from the Grundschule Gerolstein visited the Albert Wingert School in Schifflingen. After getting to know their correspondance friends (1st grade)  and a guided tour of the school, different fairy tale games (from the Grimm brothers) were organized in the school surrounding. Everybody enjoyed a sunny day in Luxembourg! Continue reading Fairy Tale Day in Schifflingen – Visit of german pupils

Grimm Exhibition in the Albert Wingert School (28.11.14)

On 28th November 2014 the Albert Wingert School held their Grimm Exhibition. During the afternoon, kids presented their crafts and drawings to the students and the parents. Small theater pieces, songs and even cooking were presented as well. Continue reading Grimm Exhibition in the Albert Wingert School (28.11.14)